The aim of the #SocIn Discussions conference is to create a community around the topic of social entrepreneurship, especially between the Hungarian and Slovakian Hungarian communities. A community of people who together can learn more about the sector, its inspiring actors, learn from each other and have the opportunity to generate and implement joint projects. The organisers believe that the conference can also be a focal point for thinking together about social innovation and social entrepreneurship. This will help the sector to evolve, deepen its self-awareness and crystallise its self-definition and capacity for cooperation. All of which are essential for a healthy growth of the social enterprise ecosystem and a positive impact at different levels of society.
Moderator of the online event: Áron Jakab, Fruit of Care Nonprofit Kft., CEO
The conference is available at the following link:
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8:30 Access to the conference and troubleshooting technical problems
Enikő Győri, Member of the European Parliament: Welcome speech
Andrea Lelovics , Forum Institute: Opening remarks
The conference’s implementing organisations will be introduced, as well as the SocIn programme and the Soc In podcast series. The conference topics will also provide a flavour of the podcats series, both in their subject matter and format. The 12-part podcast series will not only cover the definition, basic concepts, stages of development and needs of social innovation and social entrepreneurship, or how to measure social impact, but will also feature inspiring social entrepreneurs and innovators. They will also listen to roundtable discussions and debates with renowned experts on the subject.
9:30-10:00 Eva Pongrácz, University of Economics in Bratislava: Situation and perspectives of the social economy in Slovakia
The introductory presentation will introduce social entrepreneurship and describe its historical development and current situation in Slovakia, as well as the main trends shaping the development of the sector in the region and in the European Union.
Éva Pongrácz works as a lecturer at the Department of Social Development and Labour at the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics, Bratislava. Her pedagogical and academic research focuses on labour market issues, the third sector, social economy, social entrepreneurship and social innovation. She is the co-author of the Slovak legal regulation on social economy and social entrepreneurship 112/2018.
10:10-11:30 ROUNDTABLE: More on social entrepreneurship. Why do we disagree and what can be the common intersection?
Social entrepreneurship has been in the public consciousness for more than two decades and is receiving increasing attention from governments, economic operators and actors in the non-profit sector. However, little is still known about the sector and there is still no clear consensus among practitioners, entrepreneurs and promoters. The development of the sector is hampered by the lack of a clear definition, which is compounded by the fact that people from different sectors with different economic and social philosophies have different perceptions of it. The result is that the definition of the ideal end goal also differs. Hence, some see social entrepreneurs as social innovators, the engine for building a more just society, while others define them as a subset of entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurs are often seen as synonymous with civic and non-profit organisations that carry out socially focused activities, while others see them more as messengers of people-facing business, proving that the capitalist system can be reformed and that profit and the service of social causes can be reconciled. All this cacophony and lack of unified language is also an obstacle to genuine dialogue. It can also create serious internal tensions for social entrepreneurs and their supporters, as divergent expectations hamper day-to-day operations and business development. The aim of the roundtable is to familiarise students with the different social and economic philosophical perspectives and their impact on the sector, and to enable them to form their own opinions in the light of these.
ModerAtor: György Pataki, Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG) and Áron Jakab, Fruit of Care Nonprofit Kft.
- Dr. Balázs Szepesi, Mathias Corvinus Collegium
- László Hubai Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Social Sciences
- Mandy Fertetics, Alternate Tanácsadó Kft.
12:30-13:30 Introducing social entrepreneurs and innovators
Social enterprises come in many forms, at many stages of maturity, across many industries and social sectors, with different business models and financing needs. The aim of the roundtable is to present the diverse social enterprise sector through the personal stories of social entrepreneurs. In addition to presenting the mission and business model of their organisations, the invited social entrepreneurs will also talk about their personal motivations and life stories. We will learn about the development of the invited social enterprises, the initial innovation and planning phase, the challenges around setting up and the day-to-day tasks of running a business.
Moderátor: Éva Varga
- Farkas-Molnár Ági, Kanálka
- Váczi Rozi, Matyodesign Nonprofit Kft.
- Ferenczi Attila, Recobin Kft.
- Barthalos Réka, Artis centrum
- Kalmár Anna, Adni Jóga Alapítvány
13:40-14:10 Gyöngyvér Kiss: Presenting good practice. Corporate and civil partnerships for the development of social enterprises, led by Civil Impact Nonprofit Ltd.
In this block, we will explore why social innovation is of interest to actors in different sectors and what challenges are posed by the emergence and promotion of social enterprises. For social innovation to be financially sustainable, it requires both the art of persuasion and the ability to build and sustain strategic partnerships. It is typical of social innovation that, in the long term, it takes the form of social enterprises, which also require a diversity of knowledge to start up and run. Therefore, in many social enterprises, you will find teams and donors from different sectors with diverse knowledge and backgrounds. In this roundtable, Civil Impact Public Non-profit Ltd. will present its methodology of working with its corporate partners for a sustainable civil and social enterprise sector. The participants are all organisations and professionals with practical experience of the importance of network building and how to do it. Among other things, they will be able to answer questions about the keys to successful partnerships.
14:10-14:40 Martina Kolesárová, Pontis Foundation, co-director: Social innovations in Slovakia
Support instruments and opportunities for the next EU programming period up to 2027. How negotiations are taking place at ministerial level – ideological basis and concrete proposals from civil society.
14:40-15:00 Closing of the conference and feedback on the podcast series
Format: online
Platform: ZOOM
The ZOOM link will be sent to registered participants on the morning of the conference.
Language: Hungarian – Slovak (interpretation provided)
Andrea Lelovics
The project is implemented with the support of the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme, under the Small Project Fund (SPF) Call for Proposals. Project code: SKHU/WETA/2101/4.1/001The content of this conference does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Union.